Friday, June 29, 2012

Our Decision

More than 2 years ago God laid a burden on my heart for full time ministry.  During that time, both Wendy and I have prayed almost daily for God to unveil His supreme will in our lives.  And because He is faithful, that burden became a passion, and that passion a calling, and the calling a conviction that neither of us can now shake.  

So on Monday, June 25th at approximately 12:30pm, we sat down in that all familiar brown beaten up leather chair and prayed once again.  "God we are yours, please do with us as You will."  When we opened our eyes and looked at one another we both knew.

In the ever popular devotional "My Utmost for His Highest", Oswald Chambers words simultaneously convicted Wendy and I.  Literally, we had been driving for most of the morning when I encouraged Wendy and get out my tab and read for me June 18th's reading from MUFHH.  She wondered why the 18th, being that it was the 21, but she read it anyways.  Just so all of you catch how impactful it was to us, I would strongly recommend you grab a copy and read June 18th's devo.  In short, Oswald refers to Matt 14 (Peter walking on the water) and asks why Jesus choose not to allow Peter to walk all the way to him with out sinking.  At first, Peter never saw the waves, never crossed his mind that he could have drowned by stepping out of the boat.  He just saw his friend, his eyes were on his Lord.  But then we all know what happened next.  When we take our eyes off Jesus, the waves and storms of life seem to be overwhelming.  We become paralyzed with doubt and fear takes over.  

"If you debate for even one second when God has spoken, it is all over for you.  Never start to say, Well, I wonder if He really did speak to me?  Be reckless immediately-totally unrestrained and willing to risk everything- by casting your all upon Him."  Oswald Chambers.

 I have to give complete credit to a good friend of mine Brent McCammon.  For some reason he felt I needed this reading from Oswald and emailed me the morning of the 21st as we were driving back from vacation.  Brent told me he had been reading my blog and sensed a bit of fear in my writing...He was right!  Funny thing, I had been reading this devotional almost every day for the last 3 months, and for some reason had skipped over June 18th.  So when Wendy read it out loud for the both of us it was the first time either of us had ever read it.   Thank you Brent for listening to the Lord.  

So I told Wendy to read it again, and she asked why?  I just said, "Read it again."  Wendy didn't even finish the second paragraph and I noticed tears streaming under her sunglasses.  What she didn't know is that God allowed for tears to flow out of me as well.  It was at that moment, we both knew our calling became much more.  Our calling became our conviction.  

More details to come...  

1 comment:

  1. Hey buddy may the God's grace and love comfort you be still and know that he God.
    We live Todd.
    Ivan and Stellar.
