Wednesday, December 19, 2012


The day has finally come...we shift our belongings to our much anticipated house.  It's been almost 5 months since all of us have slept in our own beds, and tonight, Lord willing, we will do just that!  For the past two months, the girls have shared a room, and for the most part have done rather well.  In fact, I over heard Annie mention she wasn't sure about sleeping in a room all by her lonesome, but I think she'll get over that idea rather quickly.  Wendy is ready to use her own kitchen utensils, and to unpack all of her home decor.  For me, I'm just ready to make new memories in a new home...seems like we've been waiting to do this for quite a long time.  I think we're all ready for a place we can hang our hats for years to come.

I want to take just a moment to thank a few people here that have been instrumental in our home Michael, our you hit the mark and got us in before Christmas, thank you for Godwins, for finding this house in the first place, and so much more my friend, you and Nancy are truly family to Micah,Grace and Reba for all their support, especially keeping us for the first few weeks AND allowing us to store our belongings at your Ruth, for watching our girls while Wendy and I planned and worked on the house, you are now Auntie Ruth...and to all who have prayed here and back in the states, you have given us the encouragement to keep on, THANK YOU!

Christmas is here and will be gone in just 6 days.  It's the first Christmas I can remember that I haven't thought much about gifts, but in all fairness, finishing a house can be a pretty large distraction.  Wendy and I have purchased a few gifts here, but nothing like we would have back home.  Not that we are now somehow against buying gifts for our girls; we are not above spoiling them.  But it just seems things are different this year for us.  I'm not sure how to put it into words only to say, we have each other, and right now in this present moment that is truly sufficient.


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